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Datenbank Berufsbildungszusammenarbeit

Strengthening the socio-economic resilience of youth through economic empowerment in three provinces of Pakistan
Land: Pakistan
Ziele und Wirkungen des Vorhabens/Projekts:

The project aims to reduce socio-economic vulnerabilities of communities, especially youth, by increasing the access of marginalized youth (men, women, transgender, People with Disabilities) to skill development via TVET and finally to income generation. The projects thus contribute to ending poverty (SDG-1), Zero Hunger (SDG-2), Decent Work and Economic Growth (SDG-8), and Reduced Inequality (SDG-10). 

Aktuelle Laufzeit: 01.12.2021 - 30.11.2025
Beratungsschwerpunkte: Zusammenarbeit von Staat und Wirtschaft, Lernen im Arbeitsprozess
Branchen/Berufszweige: Handwerk, Landwirtschaft und Ernährung, Technische Berufe, Dienstleistungsberufe
Beteiligte Akteursgruppen: Privatwirtschaft, Partner vor Ort
Beteiligte Akteure: Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ), Welthungerhilfe, Initiative for Development & Empowerment Axis (IDEA), RDF (Research & Development Foundation), Lodhran Pilot Projekt (LPP)
Zielgruppen (Kategorien): Junge Erwachsene, Erwerbslose, Frauen/Mädchen
Zielgruppe/Begünstigte: ländliche Bevölkerung, Informeller Sektor, Berufsbildungseinrichtungen , Ausbilder*innen, Gesellschaft vor Ort, Erwerbslose

Building on Pakistan’s national TVET policy that encourages engagements with the informal and private sectors of the economy by engaging youth to learn skills as per the market demand, the project aims to enhance the socio-economic resilience of 4,000 youth and their families in the administrative units (divisions) of Bhambor (Sindh), Bahawalpur (Punjab) and Peshawar (KP) in Pakistan. The project aims to equip young people with appropriate and inclusive vocational and employment support measures which should lead to an improvement in the young people's economic self-reliance. The geographic focus of the project is on a semi-urban setting with emerging trends of urbanization, and a mix of literate, semi-literate, and illiterate workforce. Youth will pass through skill development courses and job placement to improve their livelihood opportunities.

Potenziale (Anknüpfungspunkte):
Ansprechpartner: Inga Schallau. E-Mail: inga.schallau@welthungerhilfe.de