BIBB Expertise in the US Congress
On 16 July 2019, Dr. Silvia Annen, Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), was one of three international experts to take part in a hearing of the U.S. House of Representatives' Higher Education and Workforce Investment Subcommittee in Washington DC.

After a short presentation of the German dual system, Dr. Silvia Annen answered the questions of the Congress delegates. The focus was on the cooperation between government/state and the private sector in Germany as well as the consensus principle associated with the development of training occupations in Germany within the framework of the social partnership between employers and employees. The members of Congress were particularly interested in issues related to the development of training occupations, financing as well as quality assurance in the German training system. In addition, the career prospects of trainees and advanced trainees in Germany were an important topic. In this context, questions were asked in particular about the permeability of the education system and the value of various qualifications on the labor market.
The Committee on Education and Labor had requested the the German Embassy in Washington DC to second an expert in the German system of Vocational Education and Training to participate in the hearing. GOVET has provided technical advice within the BMBF bilateral cooperation with the United States since 2012, initiated the participation of Dr. Silvia Annen within this framework.