The right mix of theory and practice

Six training films show trainers in companies and vocational school teachers how to prepare new skilled workers for practice. New language versions are now available in Arabian, Albanian, Chinese, Hebrew and Serbian besides seven other languages: English, Farsi, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Russian.

Anna Koslowa trains plant mechanics for sanitary, heating and air conditioning systems. She wants trainees in her company to gain a wider understanding of the work involved and to understand interrelationships between tasks. Anna Koslowa ponders how to achieve this—and soon finds a solution. Her trainees are to learn in the context of genuine work processes. She selects a typical process in her company for this purpose—the replacement of a heating system in the home of a private customer. Anna Koslowa organises the process into the four phases of acceptance, planning, implementation and completion. She includes her trainees in all stages of work involved in these four phases. Anna shows her trainees how to advise a customer and how to prepare an offer. They estimate how much material they need for an order and know how to process invoices.

Anna Koslowa is the main character in one of six explanatory videos developed by GOVET together with the Russian partner Institute FIRO. They show trainers and vocational school teachers from other countries how to prepare their trainees for professional life. The films provide answers to questions such as “What must trainers and vocational school teachers deliver to the next generation of skilled workers so that they can survive later on in everyday working life”, “Which methods encourage independent working?”, and “What is the right mix between practical exercises and delivering of theoretical knowledge?”


Explanatory videos in twelve languages

The explanatory videos show once again that vocational education and training staff have a key role to play in ensuring that training is effective. It is not without reason that the qualification of vocational education training staff is seen as one of the five success factors of dual vocational education training in Germany. Company-based trainers and teaching staff at schools should have extensive theoretical and practical specialist knowledge—and they must know how to pass on this knowledge to trainees. It is therefore important that trainers and vocational school teachers have expertise in the areas of pedagogy, didactics and methodology.

The explanatory videos provide teaching staff at schools and company-based trainers with practical support on which aspects are important in a holistic approach to vocational training in the workplace. In combination with other information materials on "action orientation in vocational education and training", they can contribute to a successful, country-specific training approach.

The explanatory films are available in twelve languages:












The explanatory videos were prepared for “Prof-Mayak”, the Russian online education and training portal. “Prof-Mayak” provides all company and school-based VET stakeholders in Russia with current information on all aspects of dual vocational education and training. “Prof-Mayak” was supported and set up over 3 years by GOVET and the Goethe Institute in cooperation with Russian partners. It follows the model of the BIBB portal foraus.de.