VET in Germany. An overview of the professional qualification opportunities in Germany

The large number of enquiries from all over the world are evidence of the interest in Germany’s dual VET. Less well known are the many other qualification pathways in the German VET system. GOVET has produced a brochure that provides an overview of the German occupational and training landscape.

In Germany, a distinction is made between occupations which are regulated and nonregulated, academic and nonacademic, and governed by federal law, federal state law or by neither, as well as dual and schoolbased education and training, staterecognised training and training which is not recognised by the state. A jungle of training programmes. How do these training programmes differ from one another? What are the differences? How is the term "occupation" actually defined? How can occupations be classified? What qualification pathways does the German education system offer?

This brochure provides an insight into the types and levels of training as well as occupational titles. It offers a systematic overview of the occupational and training landscape in Germany. In addition to initial vocational  education and training, the brochure also addresses the options for advanced and continuing vocational education and training. The different qualifications are matched to the levels of the German Qualification Framework. Based at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB), the German Office for International  Cooperation in Vocational Education and Training (GOVET) is the central point of contact for enquiries from  Germany and abroad relating to the topic of vocational education and training, and VET cooperation.

The following information has been put together using numerous publications from the Federal Institute for  Vocational Education and Training and with the support of the divisions responsible.