The internationalisation of Dual VET

Dual vocational education and training is a successful model in Germany and is highly regarded abroad. It is based on five features that also form the basis of GOVET's international cooperation and advisory measures of German stakeholders.

Vocational training ensures that future members of the skilled workforce are equiped with high-level specialist, methodological and social competence, and thus it lays the essential foundation for an innovative and competitive economy.

Ongoing further development and the adaptation of vocational training to economic, technological and social changes are promoted by five basic features which traverse German Dual VET as well as other forms of education and training. They represent added value for the VET systems of our partner countries and therefore form the basis of the international cooperation and advisory measures of German stakeholders.

Joint responsibility of state, trade and industry and social partners

By working together, the state and trade & industry in cooperation with the social partners secure the basic conditions under which VET can take place. These range from sharing funding to developing and implementing curricula and extend to include testing and certification of acquired.competences. 

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Learning within the work process

The aim of German vocational education and training is to create comprehensive employability skills - the ability to work autonomously. A combination of learning within the real work situation and school-based learning is the best way of developing the professional, methodological and social competence required to achieve this.

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