Making sustainability tangible - with the VET Chain

Sustainability is slowly making its way into the training and framework curricula as a cross-cutting standard profile item in VET. Although the implementation at both learning venues, company and school, is a challenge for training and teaching staff, it is also an opportunity to explore new room for manoeuvre. In this context, GOVET has developed the "VET Chain" counselling tool, which celebrated its premiere as a specialist workshop at didacta 2024.

read more about VET Chain


From around the globe, decision-makers from politics and business, representatives of educational practice and trainees as well as alumni, talk about VET cooperation with German actors.

Go to the Testimonials-Wall

Film: About GOVET

The Federal Government has created a central point of contact for questions about German VET and advice on international VET cooperation: GOVET. In the explanatory film, GOVET introduces itself and provides an overview of its tasks and range of services.

see GOVET Youtube channel

VET in Great Britain: Skills shortage as a key challenge

There is a shortage of well-trained skilled workers in the UK - in an ageing society. The United Kingdom wants to strengthen its vocational training system and is looking to Germany to do so. VET experts from both countries exchanged views at an event hosted by GIUK London.

read more

Skilled worker shortage in the water and wastewater industry – a worldwide challenge

Water is a vital raw material and a human right. Within the context of global efforts to secure a supply of skilled workers for such a key resource, multipliers from sub-Saharan Africa undertook an expert visit to look at various aspects of initial and continuing training in the (waste)water sector in Germany.

see article "Skilled worker shortage in the water and wastewater industry – a worldwide challenge"


inquiries GOVET has answered and processed since its establishment until the end of 2021.

see GOVET's One-stop shop


is the German Office for International Cooperation in Vocational Education and Training

Tasks and objectives of GOVET

Successful Advisory: First TVET report published in Ghana

The publication of the first Ghanaian technical and vocational education and training (TVET) report constitutes an important product of BMBF-funded TVET cooperation between Ghana and Germany. A product of successful advisory services, the report was presented to the general public at a festive ceremony.

see article "Successful Advisory: First TVET report published in Ghana"

Information material on German Vocational Education and Training for people from Ukraine

How does Vocational Education and Training (VET) work in Germany? GOVET creates information material about German VET for the international cooperation in Vocational Education and Training. GOVET's films and further materials can also provide some assistance for refugees from Ukraine.

see Ukrainian Material on TVET


presentations, brochures and documents downloaded from the GOVET website in 2021.

see GOVET presentations on TVET

Info films @GOVET Youtube channel

GOVET offers numerous films on vocational education and training in Germany and in the context of international vocational education and training cooperation - in up to 14 languages.

see GOVET Youtube channel


is the number of countries from which the visitors of www.govet.international came in 2021.

Initial and continuing vocational education and training in Germany

The occupational structure in Germany is undergoing constant change. Helpful guidance is now available in the form of an updated GOVET brochure entitled: “Initial and continuing vocational education and training. A summary of vocational training opportunities in Germany”.

see brochure "Initial and continuing VET in Germany"


people have been informed by GOVET in 2021 during virtual delegation visits or expert dialogues.

see GOVETs Advisory Service