Gathering steam – dual training in Costa Rica


After launching a dual model at an implementation level in 2022, Costa Rica used 2023 for the growth of its dual training. GOVET provided technical support to its Costa Rican partners in order to develop measures for the execution of the country’s objectives.

Costa Rica is seeking to strengthen and expand its dual training. In 2023, the country worked on developing new training programmes, on including the needs of the economy to a greater degree, and on fostering collaboration between the state and trade and industry. GOVET assisted with the achievement of these aims by contributing study trips, workshops and other formats.

Networking between the state and trade and industry was supported in a targeted manner when GOVET joined forces with the Vocational Education and Training Commission set up in 2020 (Comisión Asesora y Promotora de la EFTP Dual, CAP), with the Costa Rican Chamber of Industry (CICR) and with the German Chamber of Commerce Abroad (AHK) to organise a company forum on dual training. Around eighty people took part in this event. Participants included representatives from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), from the DLR project administration agency and from the BMBF-funded project CoRiCert, which has the aim of establishing more practical examination mechanisms in vocational education and training. The event took place within the context of a BMBF-led delegation visit. The main focus was on networking between the companies which had launched the first dual training programmes in 2022 (including WestIn Reserva Conchal, Kaizen, Pozuelo and Abbott). They were impressed by the merits of dual VET and in particular considered the opportunity to secure a long-term supply of skilled workers as a major benefit.

Standards for vocational education and training – modern curriculum development

Modern and quality-assured training regulations are needed in order to train skilled workers in a way which meets the requirements of companies as closely as possible. In November 2023, acting on behalf of the BMBF, GOVET organised a workshop on the topic of curriculum development for around fifty participants from the Costa Rican Ministry of Education (MEP) and from the INA (Instituto Nacional de Aprendizaje). How are training regulations developed? And who should take part in this process? Participants drew up responses to these questions over a week in networking sessions with GOVET and with Dr. Gert Zinke. Discussions were conducted on the basis of training regulations for the electrical engineering occupations in Costa Rica and the German regulatory instruments for the occupation of mechatronics technician. The MEP and the INA had indicated the need for specialist discussions with experts because they wish to develop new dual training programmes which are in line with company requirements.

The development of further training regulations is a prerequisite for the expansion of dual vocational training in Costa Rica - our workshop on this topic was therefore met with great interest from our Costa Rican partners.

Julia Olesen, GOVET project manager in the bilateral cooperation with Costa Rica

The first dual training programmes were launched in 2022. In 2023, GOVET and its Costa Rican partners made an initial assessment of the current strengths and weaknesses in the implementation of dual training. GOVET also took part in workshops and events organised by the MEP for the introduction of dual training outside the capital city region. GOVET supported the MEP with an event in Jacó in Puntarenas Province, where the aim is to introduce dual training in the tourism sector.

Within the context of the trip, GOVET met the Costa Rican Minister of Education Katherine Müller Castro for a personal discussion, in which the commitment of BMBF and BIBB accompanied by ongoing support from the CAP via GOVET and the funding projects within the scope of the bilateral cooperation agreement were presented in detail and appreciation was shown from the Costa Rican side.

Supplementing theory with practice – peer learning via study trips

Study trips make a major contribution to the success of the bilateral cooperation arrangements with Costa Rica. It is important for the Costa Rican partners to regularly obtain practical and specific insights into the implementation of dual training in Germany. For this reason, GOVET organised several study visits in 2023.

In May 2023 and acting on behalf of the BMBF, GOVET arranged a one-week study visit to Germany for representatives of the CAP Working Group. The aims were to gain familiarity with the German dual VET system in order to gather findings for Costa Rica’s own system, to reflect on these within the working group and subsequently to apply them in the national context. The study trip was very much appreciated by the Costa Rican stakeholders and participants.

The study visit to Germany was a great experience!

Catalina Blanco Araya, coordinator of the Working Group of the Vocational Education and Training Commission for Guidance and Promotion of Dual VET in Costa Rica (Comisión Asesora y Promotora de la EFTP Dual, CAP)

In mid-August, the INA in Costa Rica dispatched a group of staff from various regional head offices on a study trip to Germany. The objective was for the group to familiarise itself with Germany’s dual training system, stakeholders and functionalities in order to gain ideas and points of reference for the implementation of Costa Rica’s own training system.

At the end of October, a further Costa Rican delegation learnt about vocational education and training in the areas of IT and cyber security. Together with GOVET, participants visited companies and institutions so as to discover more about the various training opportunities.

Direct networking pays off

The study visits are exerting a sustainable effect. In August 2023, GOVET exchanged with participants from the first group of INA delegations from December 2022. They reported that it had subsequently been possible to introduce dual training programmes at several locations, and two participants had used the findings from the study trip to inform the INA’s national implementation strategy for dual VET.

Direct networking is worthwhile in terms of learning from one another. In December 2023, GOVET arranged for the INA’s lead trainer for the hotel and hospitality sector to engage personally with the head chef and trainer at the Schlosshotel in Gedern.

A training model in which everyone is a winner, in which everyone is committed to the same common good and in which learners achieve their aims and continue to grow.

Enrique Mejía Céspedes, Instituto Nacional de Aprendizaje (INA)


Cooperation between GOVET and its Costa Rican partners is principally focused on a Joint Declaration of Intent concluded in 2016 between the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Costa Rican Ministry of Education (MEP), which was extended for a further four years in 2022. The main emphases at the outset of the cooperation agreement were on the development of a law for dual vocational education and training in Costa Rica and on comprehensive inclusion of all trade and industry and social partners. Specific issues relating to execution and implementation now form the central object of the consultancy work.