Sustainability in international vocational education and training cooperation

An ever-greater focus on VET for sustainable development


The huge topic of decarbonisation has long since been embraced in vocational education and training. In international VET cooperation, sustainability means the holistic and systemic consideration of multiple factors, something which GOVET supports in its advisory work by contributing its expertise.

The main focus of the bilateral cooperation agreements to which GOVET provides its expertise on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is needs-based system consultancy. However, the cross-sectional topics of societal transformation – which have for some time been referred to as the “3 Ds” (decarbonisation, digitalisation, demography) – have been in increasing demand within the international discourse alongside the accompanying issues of supply chains and value chains.

International synopsis of sustainability in vocational education and training

In 2023, on the basis of this global requirements situation, GOVET collected project approaches, best practice examples and impetuses, and formulated needs of national and international partner organisations and experts in respect of sustainability within the context of vocational education and training. Particular attention was directed towards the heterogeneous perspectives and strategies of a just transformation in the respective country contexts. The results of this international synopsis are currently being pooled in a publication by the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) which will be issued in the first half of 2024. Practical experiences from school-based and company-based training will also be included in a reflective manner.

Most of the examples showcased originate from the contexts of the advisory work undertaken by GOVET in the countries with which the BMBF has concluded cooperation agreements in vocational education and training. GOVET has been able to observe how the integration of sustainable development into initial and continuing vocational education and training is being accorded priority despite differing approaches and general conditions. Not least this is happening against the background of at least the prospect of a shortage of skilled workers given the climate-related and demographic challenges of the future. Both in Germany and around the world, vocational education and training is proving to be an important building block for societal and economic transitional processes within the context of artificial intelligence, digital transformation, new technologies and innovations.

Given the heterogeneity of the countries, the synopsis shows just how essential a holistic and networked processing of topics is for global cooperation and for the formation and use of synergies in the area of “green TVET”. The encounter of research, practice and policy in international networking also facilitates insights into approaches towards sustainability abroad with regard to possible impetuses for vocational education and training and transformation in Germany.

Emphases of VET for sustainable development in and from the country cooperation agreements

In 2022 and 2023, GOVET conducted specialist workshops on the topic of “Vocational Education and Training for Sustainable Development” with Costa Rica, Ghana, and South Africa. A study trip for water management experts from six African countries organised by GOVET at the end of 2022 led to a follow-up event in Ghana in 2023 with the local involvement of national stakeholders. This laid the foundations for a networking of stakeholders in the country which has now resulted in plans for national curriculum developments for key occupations and occupations of future relevance in the water management sector. In 2022, the environmental technology occupations in Germany were modernised in the wake of climate change and societal transformation.

One further successor product derived from the expertise which GOVET has built up in the area of international VET cooperation over the past year is the development of the interactive guidance tool “Sustainable development along supply chains – VET Chain”. This will be deployed in international VET cooperation in 2024.

In 2023, GOVET worked with South Africa to set out focuses for vocational education for sustainable development. The main emphasis here was on a “just transition”. Socially responsible transformation to a post-carbon economy is of central significance to South Africa. At the “re:publica 23” event, GOVET launched a much-lauded Lighting Talk with two distinguished authorities on research and development in South African VET (cf. Chapter South Africa). They are using innovative research to shape the national transformation process.

Participants in a study trip undertaken by a South African delegation, which was organised by GOVET in June 2023, were able to gather expertise on the topic of sustainability in vocational education and training. These partners from the areas of education and training policy and research and from vocational schools primarily learned about specific implementation scenarios of sustainability goals in occupational practice and about infrastructure. A bilateral workshop, which also involved BIBB expertise on VET for Sustainable Development, constituted a technical highlight which facilitated an exchange that is supposed to be continued.

Just energy transition – best practice and specialist knowledge on the topic

The specialist seminar Energy Transition – securing employment and a supply of skilled workers via initial and continuing vocational education and training took place at the end of the year and also featured a considerable amount of technical input from South Africa. Best practice, strategies and a great deal of know-how on the principles and modes of operation of a successful “just energy transition” were imparted via a presentation of various international approaches. These ultimately mean the creation of worthy employment in new sectors such as electromobility, green hydrogen and renewable energies. South Africa can use this transformation process to exert an important signalling and beacon effect and to generate international impetuses for other carbon-dependent countries. Great potential is discernible in countries such as Kenya through targeted training, integration of the informal sector and recognition of competencies acquired via informal means. 86.4 percent of Kenya’s energy is already derived from renewable resources including geothermal power.

In 2023, GOVET supported networking and inter-learning between national and international stakeholders on the highly requested topic of “sustainability in vocational education and training” by means of the specialist seminar, via expert workshops, by providing information and assistance to numerous delegations, and by imparting both its own and external expertise.