Round Table for International Vocational Education and Training Cooperation


An innovative, ambitious and cooperative community which clearly and consistently champions the goals of international vocational education and training cooperation (IVETC) abroad in a coherent manner.

Regular exchange forms the basis of coordinated action. For over ten years, this has provided a foundation whereby the Secretariat of the Round Table, a component part of GOVET, has been able to foster exchange between IVETC stakeholders whilst offering them technical support and encourage discourse on current issues. In this anniversary year of the Federal Government Strategy for International Vocational Education and Training Cooperation, provision has been supplemented by in-person events and by well-received virtual formats (cf. 10 years of successful international vocational education and training cooperation – review and outlook). The anniversary event in particular made it clear how successful the joint work undertaken by the Round Table stakeholders has been in terms of forming an innovative, ambitious and cooperative community which clearly and consistently champions the goals of German IVETC abroad.

The international VET cooperation stakeholders make a strong community. This is a success of the Federal Government Strategy for International Vocational Education and Training Cooperation from a single source.

Peter Rechmann, Head of the Round Table for International Vocational Education and Training Cooperation, GOVET


Within the scope of the Round Table in 2023, three meetings were held at ministry level and two meetings at stakeholder level. Alongside preparation and coordination of the 10-year anniversary event, the main topic focuses in 2023 included the consultation process for the establishment of a German professional exchange service, training measures abroad in connection with skilled worker immigration, and the law on the further development of skilled worker immigration. (cf. chapter on Skilled workers 2023). Emphasis was also placed on the revision and harmonisation of strategies for VET cooperation with South Africa, Greece, Portugal and Ghana.

Networking on specialist topics

The topic of “Training measures abroad as part of the acquisition of skilled workers for Germany” was addressed in a specialist seminar in December 2023 because of its high degree of relevance and demand from stakeholders. One month previously, GOVET had organised a further specialist seminar on the topic of “Energy Transition and international vocational education and training cooperation (IVETC) – securing employment and a supply of skilled workers via initial and continuing vocational education and training”. In both these online seminars, speakers presented national and international experiences and research findings, encouraged networking between participants and provided them with suggestions for their own practice. Interest in the online seminars was very high, with eighty and fifty experts in the field of IVETC attending.

Apart from the Round Table in Germany, there are a total of 34 Round Tables at German missions abroad and at individual German chambers of commerce abroad. Their purpose is operational coordination between stakeholders in the respective partner countries. GOVET assisted the Round Tables at German diplomatic missions abroad with technical preparation where necessary. GOVET also provides specialist input on occasions.

“Expert dialogues” represent a further format within the Round Table portfolio. In 2023, GOVET arranged three virtual expert dialogues on the basic principles of IVETC for German diplomatic missions in Africa. These were aimed at the new departmental heads responsible for vocational education and training cooperation. Such a specialist exchange also took place with the German Embassy in Uzbekistan. The expert dialogues provide new colleagues with information on and an introduction to the topic of VET and also serve to improve the flow of information with the German diplomatic missions abroad. GOVET also realised similar dialogue formats for the new representatives of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) and of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL).

Finally, the Round Table offers technical information meetings too. In 2023, GOVET held extensive background discussions on the topic of dual VET in Germany with four British Members of Parliament and with three delegates from the Georgian Parliament (Education Committee). GOVET engaged in detailed debate on the topic of continuing training with two Japanese journalists.

Round Table for International Vocational Education and Training Cooperation

The Round Table for International Vocational Education and Training Cooperation was initiated in 2013 to serve as a central element of coordination of the German stakeholders with the objective of helping to establish a coherent international presence for the German stakeholders in their cooperation with partner countries. Joint topics of the VET stakeholders are addressed in the meetings. Basic principles relating to content are discussed, and information is shared. The approach towards VET cooperation with individual countries is also agreed upon. The Round Table takes place regularly in different constellations under the lead management of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). GOVET acts as the Secretariat. Federal ministries actively involved in VET cooperation take part at ministry level. At stakeholder level, there is also participation by representatives of the federal states, the social partners, chamber organisations, institutions from within civil society, implementation bodies and institutions with links to government bodies.

read more: Round Table for international cooperation in vocational education and training