New and updated GOVET presentations
GOVET presentations provide information on various aspects of vocational training in Germany. They are available in several different languages. Now, the existing presentations have been updated and two new presentations were added to the product range.
In a total of eight different presentations, GOVET informs interested parties from Germany and abroad about German vocational education and training. The presentations are updated on a regular basis, among other things based on the latest data report from the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) on the Vocational Education and Training Report.
The GOVET presentations are dedicated to various topics within the German Vocational Education and Training system. They provide information on the structure, costs and benefits as well as the various stakeholder of the dual VET system. The legal framework of VET, the role of VET staff and continuing professional training in Germany are also explained for interested parties from abroad and in counselling contexts of international VET cooperation.
The two GOVET presentations "Professions, occupations and training pathways in Germany" and "The role of the chambers in dual VET" are the newest additions to the product range.
All presentations are available in several languages as a download in PowerPoint and PDF format.