Presentation on Certification, accreditation and recognition in the German vocational education and training system
The GOVET-presentation on the continuing professional education in Germany is available in several languages, respectively in PDF and PowerPoint format. The presentations are subject to copyright owned by GOVET. The presentation or individual segments may only be used under the condition of naming the author GOVET.

Certification, accreditation and recognition in the German vocational education and training system
How does certification work in Germany? What about the validity of the certificates on the German or European labour market and what approaches are there in the certification of German actors abroad?
This GOVET presentation informs interested parties from Germany and abroad about certification, accreditation and recognition in the German VET system.
- EN - Certification, accreditation and recognition in the German vocational education and training system (Presentation English) (PPT, 23.7 MB)
- DE - Zertifizierung, Akkreditierung und Anerkennung im deutschen Berufsbildungssystem (Präsentation Deutsch) (PPT, 22.5 MB)
- ES - Certificación, acreditación y homologación en el sistema alemán de formación profesional (Presentación en español) (PPT, 24.5 MB)
- FR - Certification, accréditation et reconnaissance dans le système de formation professionnelle allemand (Présentation Français) (PPT, 24.5 MB)
EN - Certification, accreditation and recognition in the German vocational education and training system (Presentation English) (PDF, 4.9 MB)
DE - Zertifizierung, Akkreditierung und Anerkennung im deutschen Berufsbildungssystem (Präsentation Deutsch) (PDF, 4.4 MB)
ES - Certificación, acreditación y homologación en el sistema alemán de formación profesional (Presentación en español) (PDF, 4.7 MB)
FR - Certification, accréditation et reconnaissance dans le système de formation professionnelle allemand (Présentation Français) (PDF, 4.9 MB)