GOVET - German Office for International Cooperation in Vocational Education and Training
The Federal Government wants to further strengthen Germany’s international cooperation in Vocational Education and Training (VET). Therefore, a strategy paper for one-stop international cooperation was adopted by the German Federal Government in 2013. GOVET was established in order to support the Federal Government in the implementation of the Strategy. GOVET’s objective is to strengthen coherence of German international cooperation in VET. Today, GOVET is competent supporter of the Federal Government in the field of international VET cooperation and the central contact for VET-stakeholders from all over the world. The Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) has the technical and legal supervision.

German vocational training and in particular the Dual VET system is worldwide seen as a success model. In Germany vocational training contributes significantly to economic growth, employment and social participation. The high international demand for these experiences is met by Germany through a broad and diverse range of VET cooperation activities. However, the motives and objectives of German VET cooperation stakeholders often differ. Some pursue development cooperation objectives, while others focus on business interests. Also, foreign policy and education policy considerations are involved. In order to merge this diversity into consistent and balanced representation and action of German stakeholders in 2013, the German Federal Government adopted the strategy paper for one-stop international collaboration.
The objective of the Federal Government strategy is to ensure coherent German international VET cooperation. For this purpose, the federal ministries engaged in VET cooperation have reached arrangements and set up institutions:
Five Success Factors of German VET
These are the core principles of German vocational training. In order to attain coherent action, German international VET cooperation should be based on these success factors.
The "Round Table International Vocational Training Cooperation"
This is where German international VET cooperation stakeholders exchange information and coordinate their activities regarding topics and countries.
GOVET - German Office for International Cooperation in Vocational Education and Training
GOVET is the one stop-shop for international VET cooperation for interested parties from all over the world. In this sense, GOVET provides guidance regarding the German Dual VET-System and links up to competent cooperation partners. GOVET collects information regarding new and ongoing vocational training cooperation activities of the Federal Government and makes them available. For that purpose GOVET is combining the competences and experiences in particular of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the Federal Foreign Office (AA), the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in one institution. GOVET furthermore acts as secretariat of the Round Table and supports bilateral cooperation of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research in the field of VET.