Tasks of GOVET

GOVET is the main point of contact for national and international VET cooperation stakeholders. GOVET operates within three core areas to implement its policy remit.

Central contact partner for VET cooperation Stakeholders

GOVET acts as the central contact partner for national and international VET cooperation stakeholders. It either responds to enquiries directly or passes them on to the responsible parties. This task encompasses the following activities.

  • Response to domestic enquiries regarding opportunities for cooperation and participation

  • Response to enquiries from abroad regarding the German vocational education and training system and its stakeholders

  • Response to enquiries from abroad regarding opportunities for cooperation and consultancy

  • Management of and support for enquiries

  • Evaluation of enquiries

Secretariat of the Round Table for International Cooperation in Vocational Education and Training

GOVET acts as the administrative arm for the “Round Table for International Vocational Education and Training Cooperation”. The Round Table reaches agreement on how a coherent presence on the part of German stakeholders can be ensured. Various Federal Government departments, representatives of the federal states, social partners, chamber organisations, institutions from within civil society, implementation bodies and institutions with links to government bodies all participate in the Round Table discussions.


Establishment, structuring and support of BMBF's international cooperation agreements in vocational education and training and implementation of pilot projects

GOVET takes on an active role in helping to shape international vocational education and training cooperation. It establishes, structures and/or supports cooperation agreements and projects. It is currently assisting the Federal Ministry of Education and Research with bilateral cooperation agreements instigated with six EU and ten non-EU states. This task encompasses the following activities.

  • Technical support for the policy framework

  • Data surveys on the status of vocational education and training in the respective countries

  • Analysis of existing documents from the fields of policymaking, research and practice

  • Securing the exchange of information/promotion of mutual learning

  • Technical support and advisory services for selected projects

  • Identification, design and implementation of projects

  • Planning of measures and project support

  • Cooperation with and coordination of the foreign chambers of industry and commerce, German and local companies and vocational schools/education and training centres on the ground

  • Advice for the establishment of financing models

  • Development of a monitoring and evaluation concept