“Integrated action” in international cooperation on vocational education and training

The Round Table for International Vocational Education and Training Cooperation met at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The various stakeholders coordinate their joint action in the partner countries.

The Round Table for International Vocational Education and Training Cooperation met at state secretary level for the first time this year on 5 March. Leading representatives of the key stakeholders in German international cooperation on vocational education and training took up State Secretary Georg Schütte’s invitation to meet at the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) to plan their joint action in the partner countries. Alongside BMBF State Secretary Schütte, State Secretary Stephan Steinlein (Federal Foreign Office) and State Secretary Friedrich Kitschelt (Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development) also gave a few introductory words.
The main topic on the agenda was the findings of the Working Group on “integrated action” in vocational training cooperation set up by the Round Table. In this context, “integrated action” means that German stakeholders in vocational training cooperation are involved in procedures and instruments that in the past used to be implemented by individual stakeholders independently. Participants in the Round Table were unanimous in their praise for the Working Group’s findings. However, they also agreed that the same high level of commitment will be required of all involved to consolidate these results – and especially to implement the next steps. Other topics discussed at the Round Table included integrated action in cooperation with India and outlines of activities by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Federal Employment Agency.


The Round Table for International Vocational Education and Training Cooperation is a key element of the Federal Government’s common strategy for international cooperation in vocational education and training from a single source. Representatives of the Federal ministries, Länder, social partners, institutions and implementing organisations that work closely with the ministries, chamber organisations, the training sector and civil-society institutions meet regularly at state secretary, ministerial or working level to ensure that German stakeholders arrive at coherent action. Acting as the Round Table’s contact point is one of the core tasks of GOVET (German Office for International Cooperation in Vocational Education and Training).