EU-Partnerländer diskutieren Reformansätze in der Berufsbildung mit GOVET
GOVET lud Kooperationspartner aus den EU-Partnerländern zu einem Studienbesuch nach Berlin ein. Die Vermittlung von Eindrücken aus der betrieblichen Ausbildungspraxis in Deutschland und der multilaterale Austausch zu Reformaktivitäten standen im Mittelpunkt.
Deutschland und Südafrika vertiefen die Zusammenarbeit in der Berufsbildung
Auf dem Treffen der Binationalen Kommission (BNK) vertieften Deutschland und Südafrika ihre bilateralen Beziehungen. Die Außenminister beider Länder unterzeichneten eine Absichtserklärung zur Intensivierung der Zusammenarbeit, unter anderem im Bereich der beruflichen Bildung.
German-Greek feasibility studies presented in Athens
One of the greatest strengths of the German system of dual vocational education and training lies in its elements of practically oriented company-based learning. For this reason, the improvement of company training structures is being accorded a particular level of significance in VET cooperation between Germany and Greece. Five current studies have been dedicated to looking at opportunities to introduce company-based training structures in Greece and offer specific possible solutions for the implementation of this approach. The results of the studies were presented in Athens on 7 July 2014.
Measures within the scope of the bilateral vocational education and training cooperation agreement with Italy
Various measures were staged at the end of the year 2013 within the framework of the bilateral vocational education and training cooperation agreement in place between the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR). At the beginning of December, the German Office for International Cooperation in Vocational Education and Training organised a study visit for Italian education and training experts. A short time later, a one-week training course took place for Italian teaching staff on the training of VET staff.
2013 - a successful year in German-Russian VET cooperation
Since 2012, a cooperation agreement has been in place between the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (MON) with the aim of strengthening dual training structures in Russia. The Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) has also been working in conjunction with the Federal Institute for Education Development (FIRO) in Moscow since 2011. The establishment of the German Office for International Vocational Education and Training Cooperation (GOVET) at BIBB has lent this cooperation a considerable degree of added dynamism and made 2013 a successful year of collaboration in VET between Germany and Russia.
German Office for International Vocational Education and Training Cooperation stages a German-Greek workshop
German and Greek education and training experts have engaged in extensive discussions on the opportunities to implement company-based forms of learning in Greece with the framework of a workshop staged by the German Office for International Vocational Education and Training Cooperation (GOVET). This event was occasioned by the project launch of five feasibility studies currently being financed by GOVET. The aims of the studies are to deliver findings with regard to the practicability of company-based learning and to establish a network between Germans and Greeks that will enable the initiation of joint training cooperation projects. Participants generated important impetuses for the structuring of the feasibility studies and for the implementation of German-Greek VET cooperation.