Technical support of bilateral cooperation in vocational education and training and working groups of the BMBF
One of the core tasks of the German Office for International Cooperation in Vocational Education and Training (GOVET) is the technical support of BMBF’s bilateral cooperation.

Within the scope of the cooperation agreements, GOVET implements targeted network, cooperation and pilot projects which are designed to include country-specific focuses.
The overarching objectives of the working groups are mutual information and networking at a work level between all stakeholders involved and the exchange of ideas between representatives of VET practice, policy making and academic research within the respective countries in order to identify and promote methods and examples of good practice in vocational education and training. In addition to bilateral cooperation, the results will be also shared across countries in the so-called peer learning platform format.
Since 2013, GOVET has provided technical support for bilateral cooperation with China, Costa Rica, Ghana, Greece, Iran, Israel, Italy, India, Latvia, Mexico, Portugal, Russia, Slovakia, South Africa, Thailand and the USA.