TVET in Viet Nam: GIZ and Communist Party organise joint conference

How can the quality of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) be improved to meet the needs of skilled workers of the industrial zones of Viet Nam? This question was discussed at the conference “Reform of the Training of Manpower for Industrial and Economic Zones of Viet Nam”, which took place in Ho Chi Minh City on 26th May 2016.

The conference was organized by the Central Committee of the Communist Party, Department of Propaganda, in cooperation with the General Directorate of Vocational Training of the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MoLISA) and the Programme Reform of TVET in Viet Nam of GIZ. High ranking officials of the Communist Party and the Government as well as representatives of industrial zones, training institutes and the Viet Nam General Confederation of Labour participated in the conference. Dr. Nguyen The Duc, Member of the Central Committee, asked for focused discussion on 4 key issues: Approaches for improving the quality and effectiveness of vocational education and training, suggestions for reforming the policy mechanisms for vocational education and training, the role of political and socio-economic organisations in the reform process as well as innovative best practice examples.

Dr. Horst Sommer, Programme Director of the Programme Reform of TVET in Viet Nam, explained, referring to the five success factors of the German system of vocational education and training, the elements which are being implemented and further possible implications for Viet Nam. He particularly stressed the importance of the cooperative training approach in vocational education and training which implies a stronger involvement of the business sector throughout the training process from the development of occupational standards, conducting well-defined practical training phases in enterprises, to participating in the assessment and certification. At the conference, lessons learnt from the GIZ-supported pilot cooperative training programme for sewerage engineering technicians were presented, which is being implemented at the Ho Chi Minh Vocational College of Technology (HVCT) in cooperation with 5 enterprises. Such pilot projects will be scientifically analysed by the National Institute for Vocational Training (NIVT) to feed these experiences into the national vocational education and training system. The conference built on the successful collaboration of the Programme Reform on TVET in Viet Nam and the Communist Party in recent years, which includes the discussion of Dr. Sommer and Mr. Dinh The Huynh, Member of the Politbureau of the Communist Party of Viet Nam, at the party dialogue between the German Social Democratic Party and the Communist Party of Viet Nam and the joint organization of two workshops with the Central Committee on the topic “Streaming to TVET”. At the end of the conference Dr. Nguyen The Duc expressed the wish to intensify the cooperation to jointly contribute the improvement of vocational education and training in Viet Nam, also in the view of the ASEAN integration processes.
Die GIZ is member of the Round Table for German International VET Cooperation. GOVET is the secretariat of the Round Table.