VET Glossaries and terminologies

Glossaries and terminologies can be a support when working with texts concerning VET. Here we provide glossaries and terminologies in several languages.

ARABTERM.ORG is a multilingual technical dictionary. It covers German, English, French and Arabic. The ARABTERM.ORG contains important terms of the following sectors: Automotive Engeneering; Water Technologies; Renewable Energies; Electrical Engeneering; Transport and Infrastructure; Climate, Environment and Solide Waste Management; Civil Engeneering; Information and Communicatin Technologies.
The Technical Dictionary ARABTERM.ORG is a joint publication of the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). It was developed as part of a regional project financed by BMZ that the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) has been carrying out since 2008 in collaboration with the Goethe-Institut.

The Glossary “Quality in education and training” contains terms related to quality in education and training in German, English and French. It is helpful for all stakeholders in education and VET: Researchers, experts, those involved in improving learning curricula and education and training providers.

CEDEFOP: Terminology of European education and training policy (DE, EN, ES, IT, PT)

The Terminology of European education and training policy is a multilingual glossary in English, Spanish, German, French, Italian and Portuguese. It contains a selection of terms used in education and training policy.

The europass certificate descriptions provide short descriptions regarding competencies acquired through VET. Furthermore, they provide information on duration, type and level of VET as well as the respective VET programme for the certificate. Read more

The glossary provides a structured overview of central terms used in in-company training practice. The collection and definition of terms relating to in-company vocational training practice offers a quick orientation on the basis of the keyword-like operationalised terms especially for training personnel in companies, school-based vocational training institutions and training service providers.

The glossary contains a selection of important terms in the field of vocational education and training. It is helpful for experts when working with texts concerning VET.

The European Quality Assurance in Vocational Education and Training (EQAVET) has developed a glossary that contains multiple definitions in key quality assurance terminology and VET. The definitions are derived from publications, professional bodies, governmental agencies or different international organisations (e.g. European Commission and CEDEFOP, United Nations, OECD, World Bank).

The glossary of the apprenticeship toolbox contains many important terms related to apprenticeships and dual VET systems. It is developed by the national VET authorities from Austria, Denmark, Germany, Luxemburg and Switzerland in order to promote the development of apprenticeship and dual based vocational education and training supporting the European alliance of Apprenticeship. It is cofunded by the Erasmus+ programme in the European Union.

TVETipedia is an online glossary of terms that are commonly used in Technical and Vocational Education and Training. It contains general TVET terms and indicates country or region specific use of terms. It was developed by UNESCO-UNEVOC and initially launched in 2009 and reconceptualized in 2013. The TVETipedia glossary contains currently about 1000 terms and their definitions.