Dual VET standards: training regulations and framework curricula

Here you can find documents that may be helpful when working with VET standards. We provide examples of translated training regulations and framework curricula in English, German and Spanish.

The provided translations are standards used for VET in the Dual VET system of Germany. The standards are “dual” in the sense that there is for each occupation, on the one hand, a standard for the provision of in-company VET defined in so-called training regulations and, on the other hand, a standard for school-based VET defined in so-called framework curriculum. Training regulations are a combination of occupational profile, training standard and examination standard. They define among other things: name of training occupation, duration of training, competencies acquired in the frame of training, training plan as well as examination requirements. Training regulations are a result of consensus-based institutionalized bargaining processes among stakeholders from the business, from society and from government. They are based on the specific requirements of business community and of society in Germany and are an expression of historically evolved VET structures in the country. Framework curricula are the basis for vocational education at VET schools and are closely coordinated with training regulations. Dual VET standards are an example for the quality features of VET in Germany: 

Cooperation of government and industry

Learning within the work process

Acceptance of national standards

Institutionalised research and consultation

Qualified vocational education and training staff

The provided standards are therefore not transferable one-to-one to other countries. They may be used for the illustration of functions, contents and development processes of VET standards for in-company VET in the German Dual VET system. They must not serve as blueprints for VET standards in other countries, isolated from country-specific conditions and institutional development processes. Every country should build own capacities for developing and updating training standards and ultimately define its own standards. For such capacity development, German VET cooperation is the competent partner.

Ausbildungsberuf und weitere Bildung/
training occupation and further education/
profesión de formación y formación continua

English Translation

Traducción Española

  • Aus- und Weiterbildungspädagoge/-in
  • Certified vocational educator for initial and continuing training
Training regulation  
  • Bergbautechnologe/-in
  • Técnico Minero
  Reglamento de formación profesional
Plan marco de formación para la formación profesional
  • Berufspädagoge
  • Certified Vocational Educator
Training regulation  
  • Einzelhandelskaufleute
  • Sales and Management Assistant Retail Services
Framework curriculum  
  • Electronics technician for industrial engineering
Training regulation and framework curriculum   
  • Técnico electrónico en ingeniería industrial/Técnica electrónica en ingeniería industrial
  Plan marco de formación para la formación profesional
  • Elektroniker/-in
  • Electronics technician for industrial engineering
  • Profesiones electrotécnicas/electrónicas industriales
Framework curriculum Reglamento
de formación profesional
  • Elektroniker/-in für Automatisierungstechnik
  • Técnico electrónico en tecnología de la automatización/Técnica electrónica en tecnología de la automatización
  Plan marco de formación para la formación profesional
  • Fachkraft für Abwassertechnik
  • Sewage engineering technician
Framework curriculum  
  • Gastgewerbe allgemein
  • Hospitality services industry
Framework curriculum
In-company training plan
  • Glaser/ -in
  • Glazier 

Training regulation

Framework Curriculum

  • Hotelfachleute
  • Specialist in the hotel business
Framework curriculum  
  • Industrielle Metallberufe
  • Industrial metal occupations
  • Profesiones metalúrgicas industriales
Training regulation Reglamento
de formación profesional
  • Industriemechaniker/-in
  • Industrial Mechanic
  • Mecánico industrial/Mecánica industrial
Training regulation and frame curriculum


  • Kfz-Mechatroniker/-in
  • Motor vehicle mechatronics technician
  • Técnico en mecatrónica automotriz
In-company training plan and framework curriculum Reglamento de formación profesional
Plan marco de formación para la formación profesional
  • Mechatroniker/-in allgemein
  • Mechanical fitter
In-company training plan and framework curriculum Reglamento de formación profesional
Plan de marco de formación para la formación profesional
  • Mikrotechnologe/-in
  • Microtechnologist
Training regulation  
  • Technische/r Produktiondesigner/-in
  • Technical product designer
Training regulation and framework curriculum  
  • Technische/r Systemplaner/-in
  • Technical system planner
Training regulation and framework curriculum  
  • Umwelttechnische Berufe allgemein
  • Environmental technology occupations
Training regulation  
  • Werkzeugmechaniker/-in
  • Mecánico industrial/Mecánica industrial
  Plan marco de formación para la formación profesional
  • Zerspanungsmechaniker/-in
  • Milling machine operator
Training regulation and framework curriculum  


You can find further training regulations in German here.

This is a template for an initial training contract in German and English, as recommended by the Main Board of BIBB. This template is not one-to-one transferable to other countries, but may be used as illustration of the importance of such a standard and how a contract could be designed.