3rd batch of Teaching Factory – Training of Trainers in Solo

From 20-26 Nov 2016 the 3rd batch of Training of Trainers of Teaching Factory teaching took place in Solo. The participants were from 19 SED TVET institutes and 2 additional SMK from Central Java.

Participants in the Training of Trainers in Solo. © GIZ

Each institute/school was represented by their vice principal of curricula, PIC Teaching Factory and the head of skill competency. The Ministry of Education and Culture and Ministry of Industry and also others technical ministries currently has policy to implement this methodology into all Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) schools.

The Teaching Factory concept itself is defined as a learning methodology that facilitates efficient and effective learning, which adopts a practice and application-oriented training that combines the learning and working environment from realistic and relevant industrial atmosphere and experiences.

The achievement of implementing Teaching Factory is a skilled graduate, which poses the sense of quality, sense of efficiency and sense of creativity and innovation. This will be possible through maximal utilisation of training facilities for the students to master the skills through training rotations in small groups by delivering the skills in block schedule with step-by-step job sheets based on products.

The participants learned to understand the Teaching Factory as a teaching learning method and how to develop the key element of the Teaching Factory which consists of a product, a schedule block, a lesson plan and a job sheet to be implemented in their schools.

Teaching Factory shall be integrated in the teaching and learning processes in the TVET institutes during the whole school years (3-4 years) for normative-, adaptive- and productive subjects.

The training will be followed-up with coaching and mentoring on site in 2017 to assure the quality of the implementation and its impact.

The target until 2019 is to facilitate 200 vocational schools to implement Teaching Factory.