New menu item "Tools" on the GOVET website

GOVET often gets enquiries from stakeholders asking for documents and materials that are helpful in international VET cooperation. GOVET has therefore created the menu item "Tools". The new menu item gives more visibility to these documents.

The documents that we provided under the menu item "Service" and its sub-menu item "Downloads – Presentations, Standards, Guidelines, Documents" are now available under "Tools".

There we provide:

  •  presentations on the German VET System ("Dual VET in Germany", "Stakeholders of the German VET system")
  • information and documents on VET in Germany (e.g. the German VET system, data and statistics, information on occupations and their standards)
  • films about VET
  • information and documents on international VET cooperation (e.g. strategy papers and studies)
  • glossaries and translations
  • toolkits on VET

If you have any questions, please contact baaden@bibb.de