Dual vocational education and training pays off
Why should companies invest in apprenticeships? How much does it cost to train? How do companies profit from their trainees? You can find answers in the GOVET presentation on costs and benefits aspects in Dual VET.

The presentation explains the financing in the German Dual system: How do employers calculate? Who bears the costs for the training at the places of learning – the vocational schools and the companies?
Moreover, the presentation provides an overview of different cost and benefits: What gross costs do trainees cause? What causes benefits?
Taking the example of several training occupations the presentation illustrates the costs of a three-year training course and it shows the development of costs over a three year training period.
The presentation makes clear that it is worthwhile for companies to invest in dual vocational training: long-term savings effects in the area of human resources, custom-fit know-how, securing the future are just some of the positive aspects of dual training.
This presentation is designed among others for VET stakeholders seeking examples that show the advantages of Dual VET or researchers studying VET systems.
- EN - Dual VET: Costs and benefits aspects (Presentation English) (PPT, 22.8 MB)
- DE - Duale Berufsausbildung: Kosten und Nutzen (Präsentation Deutsch) (PPT, 23.0 MB)
- ES - Formación profesional dual. Costes y ventajas (Presentación en español) (PPT, 23.0 MB)
- FR - La formation professionnelle duale: Coûts et avantages (Présentation Français) (PPT, 23.0 MB)
EN - Dual VET: Costs and benefits aspects (Presentation English) (PDF, 5.5 MB)
DE - Duale Berufsausbildung: Kosten und Nutzen (Präsentation Deutsch) (PDF, 5.7 MB)
ES - Formación profesional dual. Costes y ventajas (Presentación en español) (PDF, 5.8 MB)
FR - La formation professionnelle duale: Coûts et avantages (Présentation Français) (PDF, 5.8 MB)