New BIBB films – added value of international cooperation in dual training

Two new BIBB films have been released in three languages to highlight the added value of bilateral vocational education and training cooperation. The GOVET productions, which are entitled “Improving training quality together” and “My experience abroad during vocational training”, show how professional networking, joint development of standards and mobility enrich the world of work for all participants. Both videos were created in Russia as part of the BMBF-funded German-Russian cooperation agreement in the occupation of hairdresser. They are available in German, English and Russian.

Hairdressing is the most popular craft trades training occupation amongst young women in Germany. It forms the object of a GOVET cooperation project which initially culminated in joint demonstration examinations conducted by the German National Association of Hairdressers (ZV) and the Russian Professional Association of Hairdressers and Beauticians. This successful example encapsulates the sorts of opportunities cooperation and networking in dual training can offer within in the world of work and in terms of broadening the horizons of young people. Joint efforts can improve the quality of training. This is achieved when associations, examiners and trainees learn from one another and comparable standards are developed.

The clip Improving training quality together presents the GOVET project, which covers all aspects of hairdressing in Russia and Germany. This successful bilateral cooperation is acting as a pilot programme in the craft trades sector. Mutual observation of theory and practice has allowed experts from both countries to draw up joint examination principles. This provides a consultancy model for vocational education and training in the dual system and offers a great deal of potential for international VET cooperation.

“It would be great if all trainees worldwide had a recognised qualification, could work anywhere and could gather experience and better themselves.”

Karina Küster, trainee and participant in the hairdressing project

The video My experience abroad during vocational training  highlights the added value of bilateral exchanges for trainees. A current study on mobility in vocational education and training conducted by the NA (National Agency at BIBB) confirms that spending several weeks abroad as part of training brings about a lasting change to working life. Young people gain new professional experience, and such an international exchange enables them to obtain intercultural competencies and prepare for a globalised labour market.

Periods of experience abroad remain much less common in dual training than in higher education study. Nevertheless, BIBB President Esser stresses that “mobility is becoming increasingly important.” For this reason, he is also particularly keen to encourage even more trainees and their companies to take part in stays abroad during training. Such opportunities are facilitated by the “Training Worldwide” (in German AusbildungWeltweit) and Erasmus+ programmes, which the BMBF runs to foster exchange activity by young people.

On the GOVET YouTube Channel you can find the film in German and Russian.

Go to the GOVET YouTube Channel.

On our GOVET YouTube Channel you can find the film in German and Russian.

Go to the GOVET YouTube channel