German Office for International Cooperation in Vocational Education and Training

Gruppe aus 7 Personen (Delegation aus Singapur mit GOVET-Kollegin und Kollege) lächelnd vor einem Bürogebäude

Singapore: Transformation in Vocational Education and Training

Education and training in the transformation process is also of great importance to PISA champion Singapore. Mechanisms of qualification for the upcoming challenges also occupy the city state's trade unions and business community - a delegation gathered inspiration during a study trip.

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Guest Article: German apprenticeship collaboration yields new strategies to strengthen workforce and advance a thriving economy

A weeklong visit by leaders from the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development, Milwaukee Area Technical College, and the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee to the German cities of Bonn, Koblenz, and Berlin is sparking new strategies to boost apprenticeship on both sides of the Atlantic.

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First TVET Symposium in Ghana is a complete success

At the first TVET Symposium in Ghana, the CVET joined forces with GOVET and the BMBF to stage an impressive programme which also included the presentation of a Declaration of Intent for further bilateral cooperation in VET and the launch of Ghana’s second Vocational Education and Training Report.

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Hands tap on laptop, the GOVET online annual report is on the screen

GOVET annual report 2023 online

This was GOVET's working year 2023: The annual report highlights success stories, new formats, challenges and topics from GOVET's advisory work in a multimedia overview: as a one-stop shop for the international VET-cooperation, at the round table and in the ministry's (BMBF) collaborations.

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Making sustainability tangible - with the VET Chain

Sustainability is slowly becoming a new standard in the training and framework curricula of VET. Implementation in companies and schools offers new scope for design. In this context, GOVET has developed the "VET Chain" counselling tool, which celebrated its premiere as a workshop at didacta 2024.

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Trainer exchange Costa Rica and Germany - first-hand experience

"From trainer to trainer..." - In order to learn from each other, direct dialogue is often the best. This was the experience of Enrique Mejia Cespedes from the Instituto Nacional de Aprendizaje Costa Rica. With the support of GOVET, he realised an exchange of trainers at the Schlosshotel Gedern.

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Standards make vocational education and training

From the occupational description to the training plan – BIBB/GOVET staged two workshops in Costa Rica with participants from the country’s Ministry of Education and National Education Institute on the development and implementation of training regulations in the Costa-Rican training system.

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Senegal: Reform of vocational education and training

Robert Koch is a former GOVET colleague who works for the GIZ in Senegal, where he is supporting the country’s vocational education and training reform. In this interview, he speaks about the challenges he faces in his work in Senegal and also looks back at his time at GOVET.

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IT + VET: perfect for the future!

At the end of October, a Costa Rican delegation learnt about VET in the areas of IT and cyber security. Together with GOVET, participants from the Instituto Nacional de Aprendizaje (INA) visited companies and institutions to discover more about the various training opportunities.

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Ethiopia – more employability through targeted training

Katharina Ayenew works as a GIZ Team Leader in Ethiopia. In this brief interview, she speaks about current topics in international vocational education and training cooperation, about her work at GIZ and about her time at GOVET.

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24 January 2024

iMOVE Success Story: Drinking water management for Mongolia

visit iMOVE's website
2 January 2024

The European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) is launching a call for proposals for the action "Capacity Building in Vocational Education and Training" (part of Key Action 2, Erasmus+). Further information on the funding criteria can be found on the EACEA website.

Go to the EACEA website
13. May 2022

iMOVE Success Story: E-Tourism Management for travel agencies and tour operators in Iraq

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24 March 2021

iMOVE VET success story: On-the-job training in German gastronomy for Thais

visit iMOVE's website
17 February 2021

iMOVE VET success story: Modern continuing education centre for skilled workers in Haiti

visit iMOVE's website
4 August 2020

DC dVET Newsletter - July 2020 with focus on New Technologies and Dual VET

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29 June - 16 August 2020

MOOC by ILO on Quality Apprenticeships

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